Zheng Shen 申正

in the works

Yoo, Myunghye and Zheng Shen. under review. Conjunction in Agreement attraction: Role of attractor structure in the computation of agreement.

Shen, Zheng and Nick Huang. in revision. The role of phases and specificity in definite islands.

Shen, Zheng. in prep. Both PIC and Specificity block wh-dependency out of NPs: Evidence from Colloquial Singapore English.

Tieu, Lyn. and Zheng Shen. Climbing the highest mountain: Children’s knowledge of absolute and relative readings of superlatives.

Journal articles

Tan, Rachel and Zheng Shen. accepted. Wh-optionality in Colloquial Singapore English. Journal of Linguistics.

Shen, Zheng and Meghan Lim. accepted with minor revision. The definite DP island in wh-questions and relative clauses. Syntax.

Shen, Zheng. 2023. Conjunction Agreement and the Coordinate Structure Constraint, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 46(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.6382

Marušič, Franc Lanko. and Zheng Shen. 2021. Gender Agreement with Exclusive Disjunction in Slovenian, Acta Linguistica Academica, 68(4). DOI: 10.1556/2062.2021.00443

Shen, Zheng. 2019. The multi-valuation agreement hierarchy, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 4(1), 46. DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.585

Shen, Zheng. 2018. Fragment answers and movement - a superlative argument, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, DOI: 10.1007/s11049-017-9369-9.


Shen, Zheng. 2018. Feature Arithmetic in the Nominal Domain. Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut.

Book chapters and edited work

Zheng Shen, Johannes Mursell, Anke Himmelreich, Katharina Hartmann (eds.) in progress. Glossa Special Collection: Multivaluation in agreement

Zheng Shen and Sabine Laszakovits (eds.) in press. The size of things II: Movement, features, and interpretation. Language Science Press.

Shen, Zheng. 2021. Some notes on MaxShare. in Sabine Laszakovits and Zheng Shen (eds.) The size of things I: Structure building. Language Science Press. (pdf)

Sabine Laszakovits and Zheng Shen (eds.) 2021. The size of things I: Structure building. Language Science Press.

Conference proceedings

Shen, Zheng and Meghan Lim. in press. The definite DP island in wh-questions and relative clause. Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL).

Shen, Zheng and Meghan Lim. 2022. Extraction from definite, indefinite, and superlative DPs: An experimental approach. Proceedings of the 52th annual meeting of North East Linguistics Society 52 (NELS).

Tieu, Lyn and Zheng Shen. 2022. Children’s Interpretation of Superlatives in Full and Fragment Answers. Proceedings of BUCLD 46. (lingbuzz link)

Shen, Zheng. 2021. Agreement in Nominal Right Node Raising: An experimental approach. Proceedings of the 23rd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar.

Shen, Zheng and Peter W. Smith. 2019. Morphological and semantic agreement beyond hybrid nouns. in Proceedings of NELS 49.

Smith, Pete, Beata Moskal, Katharina Hartmann, and Zheng Shen. 2018. Feature resolution, feature conflicts and the structure of either ... or. in Proceedings of SinFonIJA 10.

Shen, Zheng. 2017. On multi-valued Ns and Ts in number concord and agreement. in Proceedings of CLS 52. p469-p483.

Shen, Zheng. 2017. Multi-value asymmetry in number agreement and concord. in Proceedings of PLC 40.

Shen, Zheng. 2016. No clash constraint in nominal RNR number agreement. in Proceedings of PLC 39.

Tieu, Lyn. and Zheng Shen. 2016. The littlest linguists and their superlatives: a first experiment. in Proceedings of CLS 50.

Shen, Zheng. 2015. The third reading of the most expensive photo of Abby. in Proceedings of PLC 38.

Tieu, Lyn. and Zheng Shen. 2015. Beyond production: searching for absolute and relative interpretations of superlatives: a second experiment. in Proceedings of BUCLD 39.

Hsieh, I-Ta Chris and Zheng Shen. 2015. The ‘Associative Reading’ of DPs and the quantity vs. quality distinction. in Proceedings of The Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages 2

Shen, Zheng. 2014. On the relative reading with NP internal focus in superlatives. in Proceedings of WCCFL 31.